About Us And Our Leadership Team
Meet the team behind one of the largest publishers and research organizations dedicated to mental health and loneliness.

Our goal is simple: To openly and honestly tackle the sometimes difficult and complex topics of mental health and loneliness in order to further and deepen understanding, growth, and empathy.

We all wish loneliness wasn’t as pervasive as it is, but unfortunately, through all phases of life and for a myriad of reasons, loneliness often accompanies us, affecting our mental health in obvious and not-so-obvious ways.

Once we started researching a few forms of loneliness, we quickly discovered that there more than 100 different types of loneliness that manifest at various points in a person’s journey brought about by circumstances within and out of our control, our interpretations of the world around us and our place within it, and sometimes as a result of our internal makeup.

And so The Roots Of Loneliness Project was born.

In creating this comprehensive database of mental health and loneliness – researched by top-level experts and written through the experience of those coping with it we created an ever-evolving resource that has never been attempted to this scale with this level of detail and personal understanding.

In essence, we’ve created a complete site dedicated to researching, cataloging, exploring, educating, and providing mental health resources for every type of loneliness, where one can feel less alone as a result of learning more about the exact type of loneliness they are feeling at any given moment or season of their life.

Editorial Guidelines
Writing Team
Medical Review Board


Founder and CEO

Passion and integrity. Those two words represent what I bring to everything that I do and extend deeply to my stewardship of The Roots Of Loneliness Project.

My passion for business, entrepreneurship and online marketing began in 1997 when I developed my first website and e-commerce startup. Since then I have started multiple companies while shepherding many others with my diverse knowledge of internet marketing.

In addition, for over 20 years, I’ve also been a certified personal trainer and health and fitness expert and embody the belief that all good things begin with careful attention to your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical well-being.

To that end, The Roots Of Loneliness Project is a culmination of a satisfying and fulfilling journey that melds all of my biggest passions in life into one incredible site poised to become a significant and trusted source that empowers people all over the world to learn about loneliness in all of its many forms.

When I’m not diligently working on The Roots Of Loneliness Project, you’ll find me working out, hiking, laughing my ass off, watching movies and living life to the fullest by constantly growing and doing things — and spending time with people — that make me happy.


Being Editor-In-Chief of The Roots Of Loneliness Project is an opportunity that I accepted with care and reverence for the position and all it entails — including working with our entire team of writers along with our medical review board, design team, forum team, and founder. This publication and community would not exist without each of them.

I believe in the foundation that The Roots Of Loneliness Project was built upon: to learn about the topic of loneliness and to empower people who are struggling with it. I hope that my work will help others feel less alone in their individual struggles with loneliness.

I am a writer to my core. Words and stories are my life, but if I had to choose another career path, I would probably become a donkey farmer.

When I’m not working, I can usually be found playing in the dirt, reading a book and drinking lapsang souchong tea, or using magical weaponry to slay video game foes. I adore music of all genres but have a particular soft spot for David Bowie, Queen, Pink Floyd, and Rush. To have existed on earth together with them is an honor and privilege.

In the words of Rush from Dreamline: “We’re only immortal for a limited time.” Let’s make sure our brief immortality counts for something.